
List of All National Companies
Organization Activity Area Contact Person Email Contact # Address Actions
Afsa Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0799670767 / 0700318888 Kabul Edit Delete
Agha Shreen Agriculture, forestry and fishing Kabul Edit Delete
Agro Business And Consultancy Afghanistan Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0799117117 / 0799230000 Kabul Edit Delete
Ahmad Faiq Habib Zada Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0791 991 999 Kabul Edit Delete
Ahmad Shahi Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0700349552 / 0707479783 Kabul Edit Delete
Ajmal Rahmani Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0700611122 / 0700632987 Kabul Edit Delete
Akbar Dawlat Zai Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0776 457 449 Kabul Edit Delete
Akbaris SRO Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0700589095 Mazar-e-Sharif Edit Delete
All Afghantenders members
Organization Activity Area Contact Person Email Contact # Website Province Actions
Temp care Atif Heating ventilation Air condition services Atif khan atifatta07@gmail.com +93771218246 Edit Delete
Abid Younas construction and Engineering services company Construction and engineering services Mohammad Younas Omari younas1.omari@gmail.com 0774942503 Edit Delete
Hussain Zada Ltd. all tenders sectors Haji Matiullah Hussainzada info@hussainzada.com 0700602658 Edit Delete
KD. Transportation@gmail.com Transportation M. Hamid kd.transportation123@gmail.com 0799813225 Edit Delete
Zinan Abasin Selling medical supplies Ahmad Jawad jawid2928@gmail.com 0787757575 Edit Delete
Abaseen Habib Traiding,Logistic and Construction Company Construction and Logistic Sayed Abdul Rahim Hamdard abdullrahim.yama@gmail.com +93745121837 Edit Delete
Afghan Taksar LTD Trade Hasibullah Samim support@afghantaksar.com 0777383838 Edit Delete
Seresht Trading Company all tenders sectors Kayhan Asifi kayhanasifi2021@gmail.com 0781994400 Edit Delete
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