
List of All National Companies
Organization Activity Area Contact Person Email Contact # Address Actions
Afghan Golden Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0799010123 / 0729008100 Kabul Edit Delete
Afghan Halal Agriculture, forestry and fishing 700223788 Kabul Edit Delete
Afghan Karim Ashraf International Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0797714556 / 0778810023 Kabul Edit Delete
Afghan Naw Bahar Agriculture, forestry and fishing 706040100 Kabul Edit Delete
Afghan Numu Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0798515154 / 0798214419 Kabul Edit Delete
Afghan Protain Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0798000062 / 0799486700 Herat Afghanistan Edit Delete
Afghan Trust Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0700581355 / 0799891345 Kabul Edit Delete
Afghan Yar Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0700331933 / 0786262120 Kabul Edit Delete
All Afghantenders members
Organization Activity Area Contact Person Email Contact # Website Province Actions
Kabul Ahrar Construction Construction, steel work and HVAC ductung Baryalai Noori baryalai.noor@gmail.com +93707811065 Edit Delete
Bratheran Dawlaryar Road and Building Construction Company Construction of Road and Buildings Sebghatullah Sebghat sebghatullahsebghat8@gmail.com 0798867007 Edit Delete
شركت ساختماني وسركسازي برداران دولتيار Construction صبغت الله sebghatullahsebghat8gmail.com 0798867007 Edit Delete
Haroon Massod construction company Construction and Engineering service Ahmad Zubair zubair.haidaree@gmail.com 0786990144 Edit Delete
Baradaran-e-Zamankhail construction company Construction Services Zarif Khan Ahmadzai zarifkhanzamankhail@gmail.com +93747130444 View Website BAGHLAN Edit Delete
Sohail Noori Construction and Road Building Company all tenders sectors Abdul Basir Basarat abdulbasir3282@gmail.com 0775843328 Edit Delete
Rahat Haidari Sign and Printing Shir Ahmad Haidari Shir Ahmad Haidari shirahmad.haidari2022@gmail.com +93793272224 Edit Delete
Harir raziqee construction engineering company Construction engineering Ghulamrahman ghulamrahmanraziqee@gmail.com +93779564534 Edit Delete
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