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وحيدنوید ساختمانی شرکت Main Office Address: 1. Chiknowri-bazar, Kabul and Jalalabad main Road, Jalalabad City, Nangarhar, Afghanistan. Second Branch Office: 1 Wazir Mohammad Akbar Khan, 13th Road, 2nd Street, House # 7th, Kabul, Afghanistan. 2 Kefayat Market, 4th floor, Office # 436, Balkh, Afghanistan. 3 Unite Plaza, Second floor, Khost, Afghanistan. For other Branches: Please Contact us for providing the details of our representatives in other provinces such as Kunar, Laghman, Kandahar, Kunduz, Herat. Mobile: +93788505535 / +93777644840 / +93700600922 E-mail: & Contents About WNCC Code of Conduct Honesty Integrity Accountability Consideration of others Pursuit of Excellence Reliability Environmental Affairs Policy Employee Involvement Proactive Approach Foresight Leadership Compliance with Legislation and Regulation The Company Team Organization Chart Registration with AISA Construction Services Road Highway Construction Grading and Paving Design and Build Advantages of Design-Build Excavation and Mining Bridges and Structures Underground Pipe and Utilities Pavement Maintenance Project and Land Development Construction Materials Background of WNCC Waheed Naveed Construction Company (WNCC) is an established and it is a registered company with AISA along with some other Afghan Governmental organizations. WN Construction Company has 8 years working experience in the field of construction rehabilitation, provision of construction materials, varieties of mosaic production and road building in the country, a number of 10 professional and supportive staff, skilled and unskilled worker is involved in delivering activities in the firm. The following is the list of the company executive management. WNCC Established and Founded in 2011 and since then we have been working in all sort of construction related work activates in Afghanistan. WNCC is an active organization working with (AISA) license No: D 02-1030 WNCC organizational structure consists of Head Quarters, Engineering Department, Planning Department, Finance Department, Survey and Design Department. Board of Directors-Director General guides WNCC and his management team, which is comprised of all department and section heads, carries out its management and operations. In addition, WNCC Company is a registered with following Organization 1. United National Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and MRRD/NRAP 2. Ministry of Education (MoE) 3. Office of Presidential Affairs 4. International Organization for Migration (IOM) 5. Reconstruction Team (PRT) 6. United State (USAID) 7. All UN agencies WNCC is an indigenous Afghan private company, currying out construction, rehabilitation, provider of construction materials and road building actives in all over Afghanistan with the objective, to contribute in rebuilding and development of Afghanistan through planning, designing, providing of construction materials, execution of construction / rehabilitation work and other engineering activities. WNCC Company Vision Statement: To become and remain the country is leading Construction Company through the providing of high standard, efficient and well- managed services to its clients. WNCC Company Quality Statement: WNCC is committed to quality; this means providing products and services with continuous satisfaction to client’s expectations and maintains our competitive advantage. Board of directors-director general guides WNCC and his management team, which is comprised of all departments and sections heads carries out its management and operation. The WNCC Company is managed through a team of executive body comprising company president Vice - President, Technical Manager, Project Manager, Admin/Finance Manager, Procurement Manager and public relation and Marketing Officer, There are approximately 17 employees working with this WNCC involved in delivering different services. The executive personnel are responsible for taking on new project and finalizing Company decisions and project proposals. All new policies and proposals presented to the executives for review, consultation, advice and give it to the firm president for final approval, in addition, the executive body ensures to be updated on the overall activates and the status of the company in terms of progress, strengths, weaknesses, achievements and problems. WNCC recognizes that the achievement of the organization depends on the quality, effort and cooperation of its employment. We have a responsibility towards our employees, to provide a high standard of employment and working conditions to treat employees fairly and equitably and to provide them with opportunities to help them develop and achieve a sense of satisfaction from their work. In every project, there are dedicated human resources professionals who assist line managers in the management and development of our staff. The Admin/Finance department is responsible for the compilation and interpretation of policy in relation to the recruitment, retention and development of company- wide human resources, in addition to a number of people - related administrative activates. Management of Design and Construction Process: In the planning of activates, WNCC looking to recognize the close relationship between design and construction. In addition, these processes are viewed as an integrated system broadly speaking. Design is a process of creating the description of a new facility usually represented by detailed plans and specification and construction planning is a process of identifying activities and resources required to make the design a physical reality. Hence, construction is the implementation of a design envisioned by architects and engineer. Operational tasks to perform with a variety of precedence and other relationships among the different tasks. WNCC recognized that there are several unique characteristics to the planning of construction facilities and we will keep them in mind even at the very early stage of the project life cycle. These include the following: Nearly every facility is custom designed and constructed, it often requires a long time to complete. Both the design and construction of a facility must satisfy the conditions peculiar to a specific site. Because each project is, site specific. Its execution influenced by natural, social and other location conditions such as weather, labor supply, and government standards. Because of technological complexity and market demands, of design plans during construction are not uncommon In an intergraded system, the planning for both design and construction can proceed almost simultaneously, examining various alternatives, which are desirable from both viewpoints, and thus eliminating the necessity of extensive revision under the guise of value engineering. Furthermore, the review of design with regard to their constructability can be carrying out as the project progresses from planning to design. For example, if the sequence of assembly of a structure and the critical loadings on the partially assembled structure during construction are carefully considered as a part of the overall structural design, the impacts of the design on construction false work and If the design professional expected to assume such responsibilities, they should be reward for sharing the risks as well as for undertaking these additional tasks. Value engineering could be broadly define as an organization approach in identifying unnecessary costs in design and construction and soliciting or proposing alternative design of construction technology to reduce costs without sacrificing quality or performance requirement. It usually involves the steps of gathering pertinent information, searching for creative ideas, evaluating the promising alternatives, and proposing a more cost effective alternative. This approach is usually applies at the beginning of the construction phase of the project life cycle. The potential project management unit (PMU) will visit the site to gain some insight in preparing or evaluating the temporary facility for the project. They will verify access roads, security measures, water, and other service utilities in the immediate vicinity, with the view of finding suitable locations for erecting temporary facility and the field office in consultation with the line ministry and local authorities and after approval of the contacting officer. The PMU will also observe any interference of other facilities with construction if exist ad develop a plan for site security during construction. In examining site conditions, particular attention will be paid to environmental factors such as drainage, groundwater and the possibility of floods, and most importantly the security situation and coordination with (UNMACA) regarding UXO in the area. In general, the WNCC management for construction project is consisted of three stages that take place between the moments in which the firm starts the plan for the construction of a facility to the moment in which the evaluation of the final output of the construction process is finished. The estimate stage of WNCC: This stage involves the development of a cost and duration estimate for the construction of a facility as part of the project plan. Assumptions of resource commitment to the necessary activities to build the facility made by the firm in the stage. A careful and thorough analysis of different condition imposed by the construction project design and by site characteristics taken into consideration to determine the best estimate. it is our belief that the success of a project depends upon this estimate, not only to obtain a job but also to construct the facility with the highest profit. WNCC will look for the time-cost combination that will allow the firm to be successful in his commitment. The monitoring and control stage: In the monitoring and control stage of the construction process, the head of PMU and other technical managers will have to keep constant track of both the project activities durations and ongoing costs. Constant and careful monitoring from the activities is necessary unit the project complete. The PMU will coordinate any deviation and incompliance from the project actual plan with the firm executive body for subsequently update the project client and other concerned bodies. Parallel to the construction progress to process the required information about the project will be collected; in case of a road construction project, this information could be consisted but not limited to the collection of information regarding geometry design of the area, Topographic survey and the road construction structure. The evaluation and exit stage: This stage is one in which results of the construction process are matched against the estimate by the PMU and the concluded result are used as lessons learned for improvement of implementation of similar construction project and introducing corresponding adjustment in the future . Before phase, they remained project debris, rubbles and trash will removed from the area. The area will be prepared to its original shape. Team Organization and Responsibilities: Project management unit refers to a project management team consisting of the professional construction team and other participants / members who will carry out the tasks of project planning, design and construction in an integrated manner. Contractual relationships among members of the team intended to minimize adversarial relationship and contribute greater response within the management unit the relationship between the firm professional construction team and owner is too. Work with the firm owner from the beginning and make recommendation on design improvement, constructional technology, schedule and construction economy. Propose and design construction alternatives if appropriate, and analyze the effect of the alternatives on the project cost and schedule. Monitor subsequent development of the project in order that these targets are not exceeded without the knowledge of the owner. Coordinate procurement of material and equipment and the work of all construction material suppliers, and check payment to trade subcontractor/ suppliers, claims and inspection for conforming design requirements. Perform other project related services as required by owners. Project Management Unit (PMU) in our firm we usually use when a project is very large or complex. The Head of project management unit, in the broadest senses of the term, is the most important person for the success of failure of the project. The PMU Head is responsible for planning, organizing and controlling the project. In turn, the PMU Head will receive authority from the executive body of the firm to mobilize the necessary resources to complete a project. The project manager must be able to exert interpersonal influence in order to lead the project team. Although as we all know the owner and constructional personal team may have different perceptions on the project management for construction, but we have a common interests in creating an environment leading to successful project in which performance quality, completion time and final cost are within prescribed limits and tolerances. Management Control Systems of WNCC: Varieties of different approaches are possible and used for quality and safety control during the project implementation based on the nature of project. WNCC follows the model of group responsible for quality assurance and group responsible for safety. In all project we are dedicated to quality assurance and to safety of project. Which we assign specific individuals to assume responsibility for those functions on particular project form among project staff or assistant assume these and other responsibilities. In addition to these, the project manager is concerned of personnel, cost time and other management issues. These quality assurances teams are responsible that in addition to on - site inspections, samples of materials and constructed work will be tested by specialized laboratories to insure compliance. Inspectors to insure compliance with regulatory requirements will also be involved. As well as apart from the assigned official team or individual to insure quality control, all the staff involved in the project implementation will be encouraged to do quality control as primary objective of their work. In addition to the various firm bodies involved in mutuality control, issues of quality control arise in virtually all the functional areas of construction activities. Such as insuring accurate and useful information is an important part of maintaining quality performance. Other aspects of quality control include document control (including changes during the construction process) procurement, field inspection and testing, and final checkout of the facility. Quality control in construction typically involves insuring compliance with minimum standards of material and workmanship considered as specified by the clients. WNCC ORGANIZATION CHART Stuff personnel WNCC. # Name Position Qualification Experience (Years) 1 Haji Waheedullah “Waheed” President Law & Political 12 Years 2 Eng. Mohabullah “Walizai” V-President Civil Engineer 7 Years 3 Eng. Abdul Qudoos “Imamzai” Senior Project Manager Construction Manager Engineer 10 Years 4 Eng. Ajmal “Hemat” Designer and estimation Engineer 3D Max Engineer 12 Years 5 Eng. Muslim Site Engineer Civil Engineer 4 Year 6 Eng. Nasrat “Malakzai” Site Engineer Civil Engineer 20 Year 7 Eng. Gullab “Passraly” Site and Surveyor Engineer Civil Engineer 4 Year 8 Eng. Zahidullah Site Engineer Civil Engineer 3 Year 9 Haji Ayamudin (Sadiqi ) Executive Administrator & finance Officer Finance 16 Years 10 Eng. M. Asif (Safi) Project Surveyor Civil Engineer 3 Years 11 Hedayatullah Hazrati HRM Manager BBA (Finance) 7 Years 12 Shukrullah Shirzad Logistic Manager BBA (Logistic, Public Relation) 5 years 13 Farhad ahmad IT Technician and developer Computer Science 3 years Objective: To find employment with an Organization where I can best utilize my technical Knowledge, skills and experience to build a solid career and contribute to the reconstruction process of Afghanistan in an effective manner. Personal Information: Name : Abdul Qudoos”imamzai” F/Name : Abdul Ghafer Date of Birth : 1975 Place of birth : Nangarhar Afghanistan Permanent Address : Agam, Nangarhar Present Address : Agam, Nangarhar. Field of study : Civil Engineering (B.Sc. in Civil Engineering) Native Language : Pashto Marital Status : Married Nationality : Afghan Religion : Islam Sex : Male Mobile Number : 0795550766, 0776996658 Email :, Educational Background: From 1999 to 2004 Graduated from Nangarhar University Engineering Faculty Civil Department (B.Sc. in Civil Engineering) From 1994 to 1998 Agam High School Agam Nangarhar Professional: Drawing and designs building Construction, Road, suspension bridge , micro hydro power, water supply, Pipe Scheme, Sanitation and Irrigational Canals . Computer Experience: MS – Window MS – Word MS – Excel Auto CAD (2D & 3D) SAP 2000 (Structure Analyze Program) Eagle point (Road Design ) GPS ,Level Special Training Courses: Form 28 – 08 – 2005 to 31 – 08 – 2005 Basic Training courses on ( N S P ) Process in BRAC office Jalal Abad Form 10 – 12 – 2005 to 14 – 12 – 2005 Preparing of Genre Technical Proposal Courses on (N S P) in BRAC Office Jalal Abad. Form 20 – 05 – 2006 to 25 – 05 – 2006 Survey and designs of Micro Hydro Power Courses in the BRAC Office Jalal Abad. Form 04 – 11 – 2006 to 09 – 11 – 2006 Designs of Solar Panel Courses in BRAC Office Jalal Abad. Form 18 – 11 -2006 to 22 – 11 – 2006 Procurement Courses in BRAC Office Jalal Abad. Form 09 – 12 – 2006 to 14 – 12 – 2006 Water Supply and Sanitation Courses in the BRAC Office Jalal Abad. Work Experience: From: 15 March 2012 – up to now Company: Waheed Wahaj Construction Company (WWGC) for Nangarhar province Position: project manager for Construction project Responsibilities • Plan, direct and manage all activities and tasks required to complete the project with the expected quality. • Supervise, coach, and support a team of professional staff including placement officers, trainers, M&E officer, etc. • Complete all mobilization and facility development activities in time for the project’s kickoff. • Lead the entire curriculum development/adaptation, validation, approval, and implementation process for the three training areas identified for the project. • Contact, liaise, and coordinate with identified private sector companies for training development, recruitment, and follow up purposes in the project. • Plan, manage, and complete recruitment of hundreds of job seekers as trainees for the training program by publicizing the opportunity, managing the application and selection process, and supervising the trainee’s enrollment in the program. • Arrange and manage all training rooms, equipped with necessary facilities, for the life of the project and ensure a concrete plan is implemented for effective and quality training delivery. • Supervise and proactively manage the entire job development and placement process for the targeted job seekers after the training process. This constitutes a very crucial responsibility of the project manager and requires constant engagement with the identified private sector companies for placement of the job seekers. • Ensure the job seekers and trainees receive constant employment support service for the life of the project, and beyond. • Actively engage with job seekers and trainees on social media and ensure there’s a reliable database of all job seekers in place for the life of the project, and beyond. Spot checking of QC civil items and issue non-compliance reports whenever necessary From: 15 Jan 2011 – 20 November 2011 Company: DELTA- A-ONE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY (DACC) Position: civil Engineer for Construction project Responsibilities: • Make Scheduling for Work Breakdown Structure(WBS) and Prepare Updated Schedules and submit with period Pay request • Estimation every type of projects • Quality Control of site projects on regular basis. • Reporting directly to Director and deputy director. • Drawing of Plane, Sections, Details, Perspective & 3D view of Structures, Interior & External Design of Structure. • Making of work plan (Daily, Weekly, Monthly). • Besides working in Office (Sending Proposals), checking Emails and all tasks related to internet. • Performing other related task(s) as required by superiors. • Managing Labors and advising for better work. • Spot checking of QC civil items and issue non-compliance reports whenever necessary From: 03 May 2009 – 09 Dec 2010 Company: LGCD/USAID in Laghman province Position: Provincial Assistant Engineer Responsibilities: • Develop local infrastructure and training projects in the east Region infrastructure Projects will range from simple labor-intense projects in rural areas (road Rehabilitation, irrigation improvement, flood protection walls) to more complex Structures in urban areas (District government buildings school and road Rehabilitation offices) • Produce and/or review construction document (drawing quantities work plans BOQ) • Oversee implementation of infrastructure projects in the Eastern Region including The technical and administrative aspects of implementation Responsible for the action Local engineer and other staff on sub projects • Coordinate with provincial Government, District Government village shuras or Councils And other development work. • Report on projects construction progress daily t0 provincial engineer • Cooperate with the project staff responsible for financial aspects of the projects Including Gathering of field measurements and performing calculation support Payments to sub-Contractor • Cooperate and provide data for the monitoring and evaluation staff provide Information About condition in East Region as requested • Cooperate and assist other project professionals responsible for resolving local Conflicts and strengthening local, district, provincial governments • Supervise two to three D A I site engineer and assist project surveyors • Undertake other tasks as required • Reporting: Repots to the head engineer • From: 15 April 2007 – 30April 2009 • Company: LGCD/USAID for provinces Position: filed Engineer Duties and Responsibilities: • Site visit to different provinces, site inspection where the projects will be located; • Perform a survey from around rivers, and specify the locations where the protection walls are to be constructed based on required criteria; • Prepare topographic plan through the sites survey and with use of survey equipment; • Provide geotechnical assessment of the project prior its design; • Collect geographical data (water discharge, underground water, annual flood reports of river) and other required data for designing the protection wall; • Estimate quantities and cost of materials, equipment, or labour to determine project feasibility; • Site assessment of the area prior construction of retaining wall to specify availability of materials • Prepare plans and schedule for all project delivery and regular analysis of all schedule trends; • Plan and design hydraulic systems and structures, in line with construction, governmental and international standards, using design software and drawing tools; • Compute load and grade requirements, water flow rates, and material stress factors to determine design specifications; • Lay out and survey the installations; establish reference points, grades, and elevations to guide the constructions; • Monitor construction of gabion and protections walls on site as per design drawing; • Liaise with government authorities, line departments, CDCs and community elders at provincial level, propose alternative solutions for the problems that may arise during all the stages of the project; • In close coordination with the HSO and Senior Survey Engineer, hire and supervise skilled and unskilled labor, administrative; and manage financial aspects of the project in the field; • Submit various reports, including daily reports with pictures when needed and mandatory weekly reports, from the field (DSMR, WSMR and MSMR); • Oversee the project’s work progress; • Inform the Programmed Manager and your supervisor on major issues affecting the project activities and provide recommendations in order to ensure optimal quality of all the project schedules; • Support mechanisms to increase the community participation in a potential decision-making process regarding the project identification and planning in the target villages; • In collaboration with team members, provide awareness and technical information regarding the potential project in the target areas; • Facilitate and encourage participation of all community members in all the stages of the project. From: 15 April 2007 – 15 April 2008 Company: LGCD/USAID for Nanagarhar and Kunar province Position: Site Engineer Responsibilities: • Regular supervision and monitoring of the work on site, performed by the contractor(quality, time & cost). • Preparing of the weekly, monthly and quarterly reports. • Regular reporting to the main office and stakeholders (oral and written). • Filling system of the project. • Liaise between different stakeholders (donors and client). • Other tasks assign by the office • Checking the daily attendant Sheet for worker. • Estimation for the different new project (Micro Hydro Power, Pipe Scheme, Road And Culvert, Boring walls, School, Solar ECT ……) • Preparing the new installment for the head engineering Section. From: 06 Feb 2006 – 10 April 2007 Company: BRAC Afghanistan/ NSP Program Position: District Engineer Responsibilities: • Making Plans for new project. • Preparing new designs for the head of engineering Section. • Checking the daily attendant Sheet for worker. • Reporting to the engineering Section about the progress of different project. • Estimation for the different new project (Micro Hydro Power, Pipe Scheme, Road And Culvert, Boring walls, School, Solar etc……) • Survey for the new project (Micro Hydro Power, Pipe Scheme, Road and Culvert, Boring walls, School, Solar etc.) From: 25 May 2004 – 30 Jan 2005 Company: Afghanistan Rehabilitation and Health Organization (ARHO) Position: civil engineer Responsibilities: • Making Plans for new Project. • Analyzing budget for the new building. • Preparing new designs for the head of engineering Section. • Checking the daily attendant Sheet for worker. • Reporting to the engineering Section about the progress of different project. Implemented Project by WNCC. # Project Name Funded by Project Location Total Value of Project ($) & AFG Start Date Completion 1 Rehabilitation of Sida abad school Building Nangarhar Education Department Khiwa District 725,000 AFN 20-09-1392 completed 2 Rehabilitation (ICU) of Nangarhar Regional Hospital Nangarhar Public Health Directorate Regional Hospital of Nangarhar Province 6,502,380 AFN 1393-5-18 completed 1393-8-21 3 Constriction of Boundary wall and Rehabilitation of 50 beds Hospital Nangarhar Public Health Directorate Kama district, In Nangarhar province 4,749,100 AFN 1393-6-25 completed 1393-12-25 4 Project Contract of Deep Rotary Wells related to regional hospital in districts of Kot, Batti Kot, Hisarak , Shirzad , Rodat and deh-bala with all its related work Nangarhar Public Health Directorate Kot, Batti Kot, Hisarak , Shirzad , Rodat and deh-bala district 21,346,239 AFN 1395-04-01 completed 1395-10-01 5 Rehabilitation of Nangarhar public Health Hospital Building Ministry of public health (MPH)- AFG Regional Hospital of Nangarhar Province (JPHH) 17,463,700 AFN 1394-7-14 completed 1395-3-10 6 Rehabilitation of intifat ,canal (lining 445m), poshta weir, jangle Mia jan weir, kakakhil weir , charaka weir, and associated structures, in Kabul Afghanistan: contract No: 38/2015/ UN-FAO Shakar dara district in Kabul, Afghanistan $ 292,382.45 Exchange to AFN (20,174,389.05) 1394-03-04 completed 1394-7-24 7 Construction of the DH hospital in Ruddeh Dibala district of Nangarhar province Funded by India Nangarhar Public Health Directorate Nangarhar Provence district of Rood Dehbala 44,980,901 AFN 1395-4-12 completed 8 Rehabilitation of new born baby room , repairing of training hall , deep well water boar well fatimatul zahra Funded by UNICEF Nangarhar Public Health and Fatima- tu- Zahra 8,346,239 AFN 1395-5-15 Completed 9 Rehabilitation of Nahr-e- saraj laghman province Ministry of Energy and water Kabul Afghanistan Laghman province Nahr-e-saraj irrigation scheme 10,255,574 AFN 29/09/1395 Completed 29/08/1396 10 Ministry of labor, social affair Financial supported by republic of India Nangarhar province 17,402,111.4 AFN 1395/11/01 Completed 11 Retaining wall of stone masonry chaghi village in khost province Ministry of Energy & Water Khost Province 18,107,680 AFN 1395/8/24 Completed 12 Construction of a 284 - person Hostel Building with its , Doors, septic wells, Solar System and drinking water system in Kunar Province Asadü- Abad district Ministry of Education Kunar Province 58,400,339.90 AFN 1397/01/29 Completed 13 30 OBSERVATION WELL FOR HYDROGEOLOGY DEPARTMENT MEW (KABUL) MINISTRY Of Energy & Water (PCU) Kabul Province 44,999,920 AFN 04/Oct/2018 28/02/2019 14 20 MONITORING WELLS & TEST WELLS (BASELINE SURVEY, DRILLING, DOWN-HOLE GEOPHYSICS, INSTALING OF CASINGS/FILTERS, COMPRESSOR TEST, PUMPING TEST) AND 10 PPOINTS OF SURFACE GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY (HERAT) MINISTRY Of Energy & Water (PCU) Herat Province 19,150,340 AFN 19/02/2019 Completed 15 Construction of DH Hospital in Kot District of Nangarhar Province Ministry of Public Health Nangarhar Directory Nangarhar Province 55,999,269 AFN 1397/06/03 Ongoing 70% 16 Excavation of Drainage Canal for Improvement of Agricultural Farms | (900m Length, 2m Depth and 4m to 6m Width) In Samar Khil Village of Behsood District of Nangarhar Province. Ref. No: Af19-0986 international organization for migration (IOM) Nangarhar Province Samarkhil 3,095,096 AFN (39,600 USD) 13/Oct/2019 Completed 17 THE WORK Rehabilitation Works for GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY AND 16 TEST WELLS (BASELINE SURVEY, DRILLING, INSTALING OF CASINGS, COMPRESSOR TEST, PUMPING TEST) MEW (FARAH) W-56 MINISTRY Of Energy & Water (PCU) Farah Province 15,679,800 AFN 20/Oct/2019 Completed 18 THE WORK Rehabilitation Works for GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY AND 16 TEST WELLS (BASELINE SURVEY, DRILLING, INSTALING OF CASINGS, COMPRESSOR TEST, PUMPING TEST) MEW (KANDAHAR) W-55 MINISTRY Of Energy & Water (PCU) Kandahar Province 11,983,750 AFN 20/Oct/2019 Completed 19 Construction of 6 class secondary school in Kohna Babakah, located in the second part of Behsud center of Maidan Wardak province Ministry of Urban Development and Land Maidan Wardak Province 26,994,023.9 AFN 16/Dec/2019 Completed 20 Construction of an altar of the Grand Mosque with its minaret and ablution room in Deh Salah city of Baghlan province Ministry of Urban Development and Land Baghlan Province 56,791,865.6 AFN 20/Apr/16 Completed 21 GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY AND 20 TEST AND PIZOMETRIC WELLS (BASELINE SURVEY, DRILLING, INSTALLING OF CASING, COMPRESSOR TEST, PUMPING TEST) MEW (KHOST) MEW/IRDP/HQ/IFB/MIS/ W-60 MINISTRY Of Energy & Water (PCU) Khost Province 19,867,500 AFN 20/Jun/2020 Completed 22 Improving marketplace (weekly bazar and adjoining small slaughtering house in Kady village of Rodat district Nangarhar Province (NGR-CD-022) RADA Project international organization for migration (IOM Nangarhar Province 85582.70 USD 24-Aug-2020 Completed Mobile: +93788505535 /+93777644840 / +93700600922 E-mail: Page: 52 Mobile: +93788505535 /+93777644840 / +93700600922 E-mail: Page: 53 Mobile: +93788505535 /+93777644840 / +93700600922 E-mail: Page: 54 Mobile: +93788505535 /+93777644840 / +93700600922 E-mail: Page: 55 Mobile: +93788505535 /+93777644840 / +93700600922 E-mail: Page: 56 AHEED AVEED ONSTRUCTION OMPANY ( ) \ Mobile: +93788505535 /+93777644840 / +93700600922 E-mail: Page: 69 Mobile: +93788505535 /+93777644840 / +93700600922 E-mail: Page: 81
1st street of shahshahid district 8 Kabul, Afghanistan kama station street emal shirzai house # 2 Jalalabad, Afghanistan
Mohammad Yaseen
admin manager