Transportation of Dignity Kits From WFP
Closing date: 2025-02-27 | Balkh | 77به کرایه گیری موتر ها
Closing date: 2025-03-02 | Nangarhar, Kunar, Nuristan, Helmand, Kandahar, Khost, Paktika | 115Proposal for Project Audit of FCDO Integrated Security Fund (ISF) Afghanistan Programme Partner
Closing date: 2025-03-08 | Kabul | 65تطبیق پروژه اصلاحی 6 کیلولت به 20 کیلولت
Closing date: 2025-03-22 | Kunduz | 102پروژه تهیه وتدارک وسایل تخنکی فایبرنوری
Closing date: 2025-03-15 | Kabul | 85پروژه امور ساختمان کوچه های نود فامیلی
Closing date: 2025-03-18 | Kabul | 109تهیه و تدارک سب بیس، بیس کورس، خاکه سنگ، جغل فرکشنی ده و بیست ملی، ریگ شسته شده و سنگ پارچه کوهی
Closing date: 2025-03-19 | Kabul | 105Construction of Village Solar Powered Pipe Scheme Project
Closing date: 2025-03-11 | Herat | 85Construction of Pipe Scheme with Gravity-Fed (PSGS)) System, Palang Dara and Deh Bala Villages
Closing date: 2025-04-16 | Badakhshan | 86Construction of Pipe Scheme with Solar Pump (PSSP)) system, Char Taq Petab, Ashposta, Karimak, Sadat Kellij and Banak Bala Villages
Closing date: 2025-04-14 | Bamyan | 64Construction of Pipe Scheme with Solar Pump (PSSP)) system, Qizal Qala Qizri Ha Village
Closing date: 2025-04-14 | Takhar | 96Construction of Pipe Scheme with Solar Pump (PSSP)) system, Trallay Village
Closing date: 2025-04-09 | Parwan | 92Construction of Pipe Scheme with Solar Pump (PSSP)) system, Giro Khwaja Ganj Village
Closing date: 2025-04-09 | Bamyan | 79Construction of Pipe Scheme with Solar Pump (PSSP)) system, Deh Hassan Village
Closing date: 2025-04-07 | Balkh | 70Construction of Pipe Scheme with Solar Pump (PSSP)) system, Hassan Khan Hotak Village,
Closing date: 2025-04-07 | Kunduz | 67Clinic Building Renovation and Construction of Latrine Blocks
Closing date: 2025-03-08 | Kabul | 71Provision of Construction Materials and Tools
Closing date: 2025-03-03 | Herat | 69Purchase of Anasthesia medicine - HER Project.
Closing date: 2025-03-02 | Kabul | 78Derrrrrrrrt!
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