تهیه و خریداری چوب خار درجه اول
Closing date: 2024-12-21 | Kabul | 11تهیه وتدارک رنگ سفید و زرد ترموپلاستیک و اجناس مرتبط به آن برای خط اندازی سرک
Closing date: 2024-12-30 | Kabul | 12Supply of Cartridge 151A, HP LaserJet MFP 4103 DW
Closing date: 2024-12-22 | Kabul | 11Provisioning of Online Delivery Services
Closing date: 2024-12-31 | Kabul | 11Customer Happiness Index & Customer Experience Index Solution
Closing date: 2024-12-31 | Kabul | 16اعلان داوطلبی موتر کرایی
Closing date: 2024-12-24 | Herat | 57purchasing of diesel, petrol fuel and Gas
Closing date: 2024-12-24 | Kunar | 63purchasing of food materials
Closing date: 2024-12-24 | Kunar | 60purchasing of cleaning Materials
Closing date: 2024-12-24 | Laghman | 42purchasing of petrol fuel and heating gas
Closing date: 2024-12-24 | Kunar | 55purchasing of food materials
Closing date: 2024-12-23 | Laghman | 82purchasing of vehicles and generators fuel
Closing date: 2024-12-24 | Laghman | 105تهیه مبلایل مورد ضرورت وسایط
Closing date: 2024-12-21 | Kabul | 177تدارک ابزار کار و مواد ساختمانی
Closing date: 2024-12-26 | Urozgan | 111تهیه و تدارک کمپیوتر لپتاپ، چوکی ها و ترمیم لپتاپ
Closing date: 2024-12-19 | Kabul | 64تهیه و تدارک لایسنس Nessus Professional
Closing date: 2025-01-07 | Kabul | 80