Tender Title : The Provision of Canteen Services during the Green Afghanistan OD Cup inside the Khost Cricket Ground
Tender Description : About Us
The Afghanistan Cricket Board (ACB) manages and runs cricketing affairs in Afghanistan and is a Full Member cricket board of International Cricket Council (ICC). It’s the only country that has received full membership in a record time. We play our domestic matches in Afghanistan while our international matches are played in UAE and/or India.
About Event
Afghanistan Cricket board is planning an event, named “Green Afghanistan One Day Cup 2023”. This one day event comprising all the senior national level players and it is scheduled to be played from 29 April to 17 May in Khost, Afghanistan, this event is all about all about fun, friends, and family.
RTA Sports is the official broadcaster of the event in Afghanistan.
ACB is seeking proposals from qualified Canteen Service Providers for the provision and management of onsite sit-down and take-away staff canteen which provides meals and refreshments for visitors & crowds on the match days during the Green Afghanistan OD Cup.
The proposed license for Canteen Stall covers only the two areas where the Canteen Stall will be operated inside the Khost Cricket Ground.
The Bidder shall use the said licensed premises only for the purpose of operating a food and beverage and sale of food, cold drinks, Snacks, Ice creams and mineral water at the Canteen subject to the terms and conditions.
The contractor is expected to provide foodstuff, snacks, beverages etc. at prices that reflect the market price & shall exhibit prominently the authorized rates for sale Officials or representatives.
Proposals are hereby invited from suitably qualified Service Providers for the provision and management of onsite canteen which provides meals and refreshments for visitors & crowds on the match days during the Green Afghanistan OD Cup.
Terms and Conditions:
The Bidder shall provide a Security Deposit of AFN 10,000 at the time of signing the contract.
Announcement Start Date and RFP Collection from 17 April to 25 April 2023.
The Business License copy along with the financial proposal for the Canteen Service rights to be submitted in SEALED envelope addressed to Event and Logistic department of ACB.
ACB reserves the right to reject/cancel/postpone any or all tenders without assigning any reason and is not bound to accept the lowest tender.
Eligibility Criteria
The bidder shall necessarily be a legal valid entity in the form of Limited Company/Private Limited Company/Proprietorship etc. The legal status shall be demonstrated through a copy of registration certificate issued by registrar of companies/firms.
Afghanistan Cricket Board
Kabul International Cricket Stadium,
Khan Abdul Ghani Khan Road, Kabul, Afghanistan
Email to: event.logistics@afghancricket.af
Closing Date : 2023-04-25
Organization Name : Afghanistan Cricket Board
License ID/Text Number : 1817
OwnerShip Type : NGO