
List of All National Companies
Organization Activity Area Contact Person Email Contact # Address Actions
Afghan Twisties Chips Production Company Foodstuff Mohammad Anil Qasmi anil.qasemi@ktcltd-intl.com 0799553311 , 0795988888 12distruct , Kabul Afghanistan Edit Delete
Ariana Disabled FiberGlass Production Co. Fiber GlassRepair Mohammad Qadir Joya arianadisabledfiberglass@gmail.com 0799332553 Inside Human Resource Department , Shad-e-Shamshira , Kabul , Afghanistan Edit Delete
Sahib Zaman Carpet Manufacturer Co Handicrafts , Carpet Shir Hussain Haidari sahibzman_co@yahoo.com 0799382840 13 district , Kabul Afghanikstan Edit Delete
Sadaf Manufacturing Co Mohammad Arif Shefajo arif.shefajo@yahoo.com 0786595959 , 0703242424 Block #28 , Joma Mohammad Mohammadi Industrial Park , Kabul , Afghanistan Edit Delete
Handicraft safaribaghlancompany@gmail.com 0790969796 10th distruct Kabul Afghanistan Edit Delete
Sadaat Asia International Construction Co Construction Material Sayed Jawad hussain Haidary jawad.saicc@gmail.com 0783821770 Kart e char , Kabul Afghanistan Edit Delete
Rustamyar Construction , Road Building and Construction Material Production Co ConstructionMaterial Abdul Samad Quraishi sq_629@yahoo.com 0798994040 Balkh Afghanistan Edit Delete
Qawhar Shad Women Association Handicrafts Zahra Nazary 0798430277 Bamiyan , Afghanistan Edit Delete
All Afghantenders members
Organization Activity Area Contact Person Email Contact # Website Province Actions
Environment And Returnees in Need Organization (EARN-O) EARN is a grassroots humanitarian and environmental development organization working directly with communities and local institutions with a special focus on marginalized communities. Most of our activities are carried out in rural areas where people are affected due to displacement and violence resulting from war and conflicts. EARN supports and prioritizes marginalized communities where needs are greatest with a main focus on IDPs, people with specific needs, and returnees. EARN’s development activities include but are not limited to Education (formal and civic education), Elections, (Election observation and awareness), Alternative Livelihoods, Environmental development, the Promotion of Democracy and Good Governance, Institutional Capacity Building, Rule of Law, Anticorruption, Peace Building, networking and mobilization for clean weather and safe social and physical environments, and Gender Issues. EARN works jointly with relevant government and non-governmental organizations, local communities, the international community including UN agencies, and other actors and stakeholders involved in the rehabilitation and development of Afghanistan in the above sectors. EARN works under the guiding principles of mutual respect, cooperation and collaboration, inclusiveness, transparency, gender equity, and accountability. We support the efforts of the Afghan Government and the international community in promoting environment, peace, stability, and sustainable development for the Afghan population. EARN aligns its developmental and environmental programs with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that support Afghan citizens in the above-mentioned areas. Wahedullah Shirzad info@earno.org 0093778305103 Edit Delete
Afghanistan Uruzgan Humanitarian Organisation We provide a wide range of services in different areas including Education, Food Security & Livelihoods, Irrigation Scheme, Project Management, Research, Survey Assessment and Development, Capacity Building, and SME Development. Nawaz Sharif Safi Finance.director@auho.org +93786250533 Edit Delete
Transparent Friends Educational and Social Organization Services in educational and Social Ahmad Siar Amin yshefaf.tfeso@gmail@.com +93786084182 Edit Delete
Abed Kasi Construction Co. Buildings, Wash facilities, canals, roads and Dams Abdul Ahmad Abed abedkasiconstruction@gmail.com +93787855352 Edit Delete
Mashal Social and Educational Organization Peacebuilding and conflict resolution, Humanitarian assistance, Education , health, Capacity building, Agricultural development Wahid Ahmad Alkozay wahid.alkozay2020@gmail.com 0799378007 Edit Delete
Hamdard Sediqi Logistic Service Company Logistic Atiqullah Ahmadi Ateequllah.ahmadi@gmail.com +93706680681 Edit Delete
New Way Social and Development Organization (NSDO) Livelihood, FSAC, WASH, Protection, Health/Nutrition, Education Sayed Naim Ahmadi naim.ahmadi00@nsdo.org.af +93 790273737 View Website Kunduz Edit Delete
Sayaragane Hariwa Social Organization Social Services, Vocational Trainings and Capacity Building Omidullah Alhabib somid1797@gmail.com +93791536463 Edit Delete
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